First-cycle teaching process in Painting and Intermedia Art is the same in the first two years of studies, while in the third and fourth year, the similarity is about 90%. This concept allows students to achieve basic education in the fields of visual art (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Intermedia), and offers them the possibility to choose the further option for their education (Painting or Intermedia Art).
Who inrolls this department?
Future students of Painting are dedicated to developing their talents and skills to the highest professional level. This academic approach is an excellent choice for those who aim to research traditional drawing and painting techniques, studious work with models as well as contemporary painting. Future students who want to build a serious painting practice will certainly find such stimuli here and thus emerge into successful regional and international practices in visual art.
Future students of Intermedia Art are dedicated to research and act in the fields of contemporary art, new media, and experimental art. There they find a synthesis of all art expressions which are united in artworks (drawing, painting, photography, sound, dance, etc.) Intermedia art is an excellent choice for all those who want to exhibit their works in the forms of video art, performance, installation, intervention in public space.
What after?
Graduated studies in Painting open possibilities for an independent artistic career, professional work in art education as well as in cultural institutions and private companies whose practices are in the field of producing art and visual contents.
Graduated studies in Intermedia Art open possibilities for various professional roles in independent artistic career, educational work, creative industry and productions. Independent artistic careers build active artists into creators as well as producers in contemporary art.
Bachelor studies of painting last four academic years. Since painting is one of the oldest art media, studies in drawing and painting techniques happen gradually and systematically. In the first and second year of studies, students are accommodated to traditional academic approach drawing the models on big-format papers, applying different drawing techniques (pencil, charcoal, pen, and ink), painting techniques (tempera, watercolors, pastels), and wall painting techniques (fresco and secco). Juniors and seniors improve oil and acrylic painting and research their own thematic approach. As the Academy of Arts cooperates with colleges and institutions in the regions and beyond, the possibilities are open for student exchange, educational workshops, art programmes, and solo and collective exhibitions.
Borjana Mrđa, PhD, associate professor
Intermedia Art
Intermedia Art offers a gradual improvement during the four years of studies. After the completion of studies, young artists are ready to actively participate in the contemporary art scene, in country and abroad. In the first and second years of studies, students do research and improve themselves in tradition and new media art approaches, while as juniors and seniors, they conduct individual art research and become original artistic personalities. The whole teaching process in the third and fourth years of studies are accompanied by comparative methods of knowledge tests, carried out in the forms of workshops with the students of other universities from Europe and the regions. Continual cooperation is implemented with the Grey School of Art in Aberdeen (Scotland), Bauhaus University in Dessau (Germany), the University of Art in Poznań (Poland), and the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade (Serbia). We carry out our permanent cooperation with the region by means of workshops, public performances, and exhibitions in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Republic of Srpska, Banski Dvor Cultural Center and other independent Institutions and cultural centers.
Intermedia Art
Mladen Miljanović, pre-Bologna MA, full professor
Bachelor studies
After Bachelor studies, i.e., first cycle, students get the title – graduated artist 240 ECTS - painter or graduated artist – 240 ECTS – intermedia artist.
The Curriculum for Painting is not available in this moment.
The Curriculum for Intermedia Art is not available in this moment.
Applications are submitted to Student Administration Offices of the Academy of Arts. Entrance requirements for Bachelor studies (1st cycle studies) include a four-year secondary school degree and a successfully passed entrance examination. The commission for the entrance exam in Painting and Intermedia Art Departments consists of the teachers who work in these departments. The entrance exam is the same for both departments.
During the application process, candidates must submit:
For more information, please contact us.
Ability estimation
Candidates are obliged to submit their portfolios entitled with their names and surnames with minimum 10 art works on AO/B1 paper size board sheets or 10 AO/B1 paper size board sheets which are filled in with arts works in drawing or painting techniques. The choice of motif is free.
Preparatory classes
For more information, please contact us.
The Entrance Examination
The entrance examination lasts for 4 days
Day 1 - Portrait study (live model)
Day 2 - Still life study (tempera, guash, acrylic, etc.) or performing a work in art media according to given parameters
Day 3 - Nude study (live model)
Day 4 – Nude study (live model)Each candidate should have soft pastes and an AO/B1 size board sheet for each day of the entrance exam.
There are organized consultations during preparatory classes for the entrance exam.
They are held in Art Studio 3 (the first floor of the Academy of Arts building), on Wednesday from 10 to 11 am.
Jelena Rakić, MA, assistant
Department for Painting and Intermedia Art
Ranking list
The right to be presented on the ranking list is achieved by the candidate who has passed the entrance exam which estimates the skills and talents of candidates (aptitude test) and which is determined by the Academy of Arts.The ranking list of the candidates for the enrolment in this art programme is determined according to:
- General success achieved in secondary education (success in all subjects and grades of a four-year high school)
- Results achieved in the entrance exam or the aptitude test
The number of points achieved on the basis of general success is obtained by multiplying the average grade in all subjects of a four-year high school by the number 10 (ten)
At the entrance exam or aptitude test, the candidate can achieve from 0 (zero) to 50 (fifty) points. According to both criteria, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 100 (hundred) points. Candidates who did not achieve more than 15 points in the entrance exam are not eligible for enrollment.
Master studies
After the Bachelor studies, i.e., the first cycle studies, the condition for enrollment in the Master study (II cycle) is attained. After successfully completing the Master study and defending the final thesis, the title of Master of Painting – is obtained - 300 ECTS.
The Curriculum is not available in this moment.
Applications are submitted to Student Administration Offices of the Academy of Arts. During the application process, candidates must submit:
For more information, please contact us.
Ability estimation
Artistic, theoretical-artistic or scientific works, i.e., a list of significant public appearances or published works, which show the candidate's preference for studies in a certain field of study.
Entrance Exam
All candidates submit:
- At least 5 works (paintings, graphics, works of intermediate art, etc.)
- A portfolio (at least 10 drawings - format is not limited)
- The artistic biography
- A proposal for artistic research
- „Independent” works (works created independently outside the institution where the candidate has studied)
The ranking list of accepted candidates is determined on the basis of the results achieved in the first cycle of studies (average grade, quality of works, presentation at exhibitions of national importance and international exhibitions, awards and recognitions).
During the preparations for the entrance exams, consultations with professors are organized.
Rank list and enrollment
The right to be ranked on a unique ranking list is attained by a candidate who has passed the aptitude test. The Academy determines the order of candidates who have passed the entrance exam according to the number of total points achieved.The ranking list of candidates for the enrollment in the study program of the first year of the second cycle of studies is determined on the basis of:
- General success achieved during the first cycle of studies (average grade during studies)
- The results obtained in the entrance examination or the aptitude test.
The number of points achieved on the basis of success in the first cycle of studies is obtained by multiplying the average grade by the number 5 (five).At the entrance exam or aptitude test, the candidate can achieve from 0 (zero) to 50 (fifty) points. According to both criteria, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 100 (hundred) points. Candidates who did not achieve more than 15 points in the entrance exam are not eligible for enrollment.