Theater Directing
Who enrolls in theater directing?
Theater directing studies are intended for the students who want to achieve theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. The theater director has a key role in creating a theatrical play. Using craft and artistic expertise and following his/her sensibility and view of the world, the theater director manages all the processes of shaping a theater play in collaboration with the entire crew.
The first cycle of studying in the study group Theater Directing lasts four years (8 semesters). Teaching takes place through compulsory and elective courses. At the end of the study, students earn a total of 240 ECTS credits and the title of a Bachelor in Theater Directing. Although the students acquire knowledge in theater history and theory and theater directing, the emphasis is primarily on the practical aspect of teaching; students do independent practical tasks in cooperation with acting students and other department students. Thus, students can express their theoretical knowledge through a specific theatrical form while developing individual style and aesthetics.
What can you do after the studies?
Completed Studies in Theater Directing offers the opportunity for independent artistic work in theaters and cultural institutions and the employment opportunity in lots of cultural institutions in various positions.
In addition to competencies for artistic work in theater, the Bachelor in theater directing receives a solid foundation for further development in the direction of puppetry, film and TV directing, dramaturgy and other disciplines. He/she is also professionally prepared to meet the individual affinities of students in their further development.
Bachelor Studies
After Bachelor studies, i.e., first cycle, students get the title – bachelor in theater directing – 240 ECTS.
240 ECTS.
The Curriculum for Theater Directing is not available in this moment.
Applications are submitted to Student Administration Offices of the Academy of Arts. During the application process, candidates must submit:
For more information, please contact us.
Entrance Examination
The entrance exam is conducted through two phases (wide selection and shortlisting). Before the entrance exam, candidates have the task to prepare a written analysis of the play "THE DECEASED" by Branislav Nusic (5-10 pages of typed text), which they submit with the application documents. In addition, candidates have to read the required literature ("SYSTEM" by K. S. Stanislavski and "Basic Problems of Directing" by Hugo Klein).
On the day of the wide selection, the candidates take a general knowledge test and write an essay on a given topic. After that, the commission conducts interviews with the candidates. Finally, the commission informs the candidates about the results.
The shortlisting lasts for two days, during which the candidates take creativity, rhythm and musicality tests and undergo psychological testing. The most important testing is the practical part that involves individual and collective work on a given topic. At the end of the shortlisting process, the candidates present the results of their practical work, followed by an interview with the commission. The commission makes the final decision on the admission of candidates to the studies of Theater Directing.Consultation
During the preparation for the entrance examination, there are organized consultations with the professor.
Goran Damjanac, MA, Assisting professor
Department for Acting and Theater Directing
Ranking list and enrollment
The right to be presented on the ranking list is achieved by the candidate who has passed the entrance exam which estimates the skills and talents of candidates (aptitude test) and which is determined by the Academy of Arts.
The ranking list of the candidates for the enrolment in this art programme is determined according to:- General success achieved in secondary education (success in all subjects and grades of a four-year high school)
- Results achieved in the entrance exam or the aptitude test.
The number of points achieved on the basis of general success is obtained by multiplying the average grade in all subjects of a four-year high school by the number 10 (ten)
At the entrance exam or aptitude test, the candidate can achieve from 0 (zero) to 50 (fifty) points. According to both criteria, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 100 (hundred) points. Candidates who did not achieve more than 15 points in the entrance exam are not eligible for enrollment.
Application process
Application are submitted to Student Administration Offices of the Academy of Arts. During the Application Process, candidates must submit:
For more information, please contact us.
Entrance exam
The members of the Commission interview the candidates who have achieved 240 ECTS. Then they present their practical work on the given topic (duration 5-10 minutes).
During the preparation for the entrance examination, there are organized consultations with the professor.
Goran Damjanac, MA
Assisting professorDepartment for Acting and Theater Directing
Rank list and enrollment
The right to be ranked on a unique ranking list is attained by a candidate who has passed the aptitude test. The Academy determines the order of candidates who have passed the entrance exam according to the number of total points achieved.
The ranking list of candidates for the enrollment in the study program of the first year of the second cycle of studies is determined on the basis of:- General success achieved during the first cycle of studies (average grade during studies)
- The results obtained in the entrance examination or the aptitude test
The number of points achieved on the basis of success in the first cycle of studies is obtained by multiplying the average grade by the number 5 (five).
At the entrance exam or aptitude test, the candidate can achieve from 0 (zero) to 50 (fifty) points. According to both criteria, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 100 (hundred) points. Candidates who did not achieve more than 15 points in the entrance exam are not eligible for enrollment.