Second PAF
The third Academic Theater Festival (PAF), which is traditionally organized by the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka and the Center for Visual Arts, was held from June 27 to 30 in the new Student Cultural Center in the University City (campus) in the town of Vrbas.
For three years now, the Academic Theater Festival has been successfully gathering students of drama and related arts from academies and faculties from all over the region, providing them with the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experiences and skills, as well as creating new artistic values, and promoting young theater artists, while encouraging more intensive cooperation and strengthening connection between the Banja Luka Academy of Arts and similar educational institutions from the surrounding area.
As part of the competition program, the audience had the opportunity to see as many as seven extraordinary plays, namely: "Three Sisters" (Academy of Arts Novi Sad), "Reasons for Life" (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade), "Finger" ( Faculty of Dramatic Arts Cetinje), "Hekaba" (Academy of Arts, University of Banja Luka), "Animal Farm" (Academy of Arts, Belgrade), "Bald Singer" (Academy of Arts, University of Banja Luka) and "Prst" (Faculty of of Contemporary Arts Belgrade).
In addition to the interesting competition program, the third edition of PAF was also decorated with a rich accompanying program, within which two masterclasses were held: "Acting training, synthesis of 20th and 21st century methods and their practical application in the Russian theater school" and "Acting Mastery", led by Robert Elkibaev and Ekaterina Granitova, professors from the famous Russian State Institute for Theater Arts - GITIS from Moscow.
In addition, the festival included a public listening of radio plays by students of the UNIBL Academy of Arts, a retrospective exhibition of posters by graphic design students of the UNIBL Academy of Arts, as well as a poetic and stage performance, "Ode to the Hermit of Cetinje", an awards ceremony and a PAFterparty.
Božidar Đurović (theatre director), Miljka Brđanin (actress of the National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska) and Božana Bijelić (actress of the Children's Theatre of the Republic of Srpska)

Best leadinga actress award
ANA TOMIC (Academy of Arts Belgrade) -
Best leadinga actor award
ĐORĐE JOVIČIĆ (Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade) -
Best theatre play award
Theatre play “PRLJAVA” / “SZUTYOK” (Academy of Arts Novi Sad) -
Best supporting actress award
NATALIJA STEPANOVIĆ (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade)
ANĐELA TASIĆ (Academy of Arts Banja Luka)
Best supporting actor award
MATIJA MEMEDOVIĆ (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Cetinje)
MARKO ŠUKALO (Academy of Arts Banja Luka)
Special acting award
TAMARA STANISAVLJEV (Faculty of Contemporary Arts Belgrade)
SZABO REGINA (Academy of Arts Novi Sad)
Special acting award
MEZEI GRESAK LEA, AGYAS ADAM (Academy of Arts Novi Sad) -
Special collective play award
Ensemble of the play “Seks, laži i divlje guske" (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade) -
Audience award
Theatre play “Prljava” / “Szutyok” (Academy of Arts Novi Sad)

Team PAF 24
Direktor i selektor festivala: Dragana Purković-Macan
Producent festivala: Sonja Đurić
Кoordinator projekta: Jelena Jandrić
Marketing menadžer: Natalija Trivić
Grafički dizajn: Sara Jakovljević
Logistika: Mia Ivančević, Borjana Mrđa
Voditelj okruglih stolova: Aleksandar Vasiljević
Fotografije: Ana Кorićanac, Saška Subić, Dejan Desnica
Video: David Šipka
Studenti volonteri: Кatarina Lazić, Ivona Bijelić, Jelena Dakić, Anđela Maksimović, Anja Кasalović, Luka Ugren, Milica Кalamanda, Selena Petrović, Marko Ristić, Mihailo Pejić i Sergej Đokić